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Careers, education & training (SoAR)

Southampton Academy of Research (SoAR) is a career support service for our medical and health researchers.


SoAR provides support for those employed by University Hospital Southampton and the University of Southampton to explore and pursue a career that incorporates health-related research. 


They can guide you through your options in research, and signpost to people who can offer advice or be a mentor. They highlight events, funding and training opportunities, as well as run their own events and training courses. 

​SoAR help staff working in a wide range of health-related careers, including nurses, doctors, midwives, allied health professionals, pharmacists and scientists. 

If you would like more information on how you can develop your research career and the opportunities available to you, please visit the SoAR website, email, or sign up to SoAR's mailing list.

SoAR's team

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Professor Alison Richardson

Executive Director

Lynn Calman_247x247.jpg

Dr Lynn Calman

Associate Director

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Dr Kristin Veighey

Associate Director, Research Leaders’ Programme Lead

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Dr Mark Johnson

Academic Career Development Lead for NIHR Southampton BRC

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Professor Karl Staples

Academic Career Development Lead for NIHR Southampton BRC

Contact us

023 8120 8548

NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre
Southampton Centre for Biomedical Research
Mailpoint 218
Southampton General Hospital
Tremona Road
SO16  6YD 


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