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Dec 10, 2021
Southampton anaesthetist to lead national pain relief study for emergency bowel surgery
Patients having emergency bowel surgery at 15 UK hospitals will be offered a new pain relief technique in a trial to help ease recovery...

Sep 21, 2021
Southampton researchers trial new cancer early detection blood test
Researchers in Southampton are investigating a new early detection test for cancer, following the opening of a new trial. The SYMPLIFY...

Sep 21, 2021
Pioneering study starts to treat patients with incurable neurological disease
Southampton researchers have given the first UK patient a new treatment for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. This international study aims...

May 7, 2021
One third of patients hospitalised with severe COVID-19 still have lung changes after a year
A new study has shown that most patients discharged from hospital after experiencing severe COVID-19 infection appear to return to full...

Feb 26, 2021
Southampton joins new collaboration to boost cancer research
NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre cancer researchers have joined experts across the country in a new collaboration to more...
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