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Mr Aiman Alzetani

M.D. FRCS(C-Th), MSc.(Clinical Oncology)

Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Associate Professor, Clinical & Experimental Sciences EDI Lead

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Mr Aiman Alzetani is a cardiothoracic surgeon at Southampton General Hospital.

He performs an extensive variety of procedures and is the lead for the Endobronchial Lung Volume Reduction (ELVR) service, and the lead for image guided interventions including transthoracic localization biopsy and trans bronchial “natural orifice” sampling and combined microwave ablative therapy and thoracic resections.

His research Interests are in lung cancer (Target Lung, Lung cancer Vaccine: Chiron Study), interstitial lung disease (ILD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung micro & macro imaging and Heart, Lung & Brain Interaction, and markers of neurological dysfunction.

Landmark publications:

1. Phylogenetic ctDNA analysis depicts early-stage lung cancer evolution. C Abbosh, NJ Birkbak, GA Wilson, M   Jamal-Hanjani, T Constantin, ... Nature 545 (7655), 446-451

2. Allele-specific HLA loss and immune escape in lung cancer evolution. N McGranahan, R Rosenthal, CT Hiley, AJ Rowan, TBK Watkins, ... Cell 171 (6), 1259-1271. e11

3. Vasomotion drives periarterial drainage of Aβ from the brain. Roxana O. Carare, Roxana Aldea, Diederik Bulters, Aiman Alzetani, Anthony A.Birch, Giles Richardson, Roy O. Weller. Neuron. 2020 Feb 5;105(3):400-401. PMID: 32027828 DOI:   10.1016/j.neuron.2020.01.011

4. M1hot tumour associated macrophages are positively associated with tissue-resident memory T-cell responses and survival outcomes in humans. Eva M Garrido-Martin, Toby W P Mellows, James Clarke, Anusha-Preethi Ganesan, Oliver Wood, Angelica Cazaly, Gregory Seumois, Serena J Chee, Aiman Alzetani, Emma V King, Catherine C   Hedrick, Gareth Thomas, Peter S Friedmann, Christian Hermann Ottensmeier, Pandurangan Vijayanand and Tilman Sanchez-Elsner. J Immunother Cancer. 2020; 8(2): e000778. PMID: 32699181 doi:   10.1136/jitc-2020-000778 PMCID: PMC7375465.

5. Paracrine SPARC signalling dysregulates alveolar epithelial barrier integrity and function in lung   fibrosis. Franco Conforti, Robert Ridley, Christopher Brereton, Aiman Alzetani, Benjamin Johnson, Ben G. Marshall, Sophie V. Fletcher, Christian H. Ottensmeier, Luca Richeldi, Paul Skipp, Yihua Wang, Mark G. Jones and Donna E. Davies PMID: 32637156. Cell Death Discovery volume 6, Article number: 54 (2020). PMCID: PMC7327077 DOI:   10.1038/s41420-020-0289-9.

6. Delayed post-traumatic presentation of severe sternal osteomyelitis: A strong multidisciplinary   effort and a novel reconstruction technique for a challenging case. AlessandroTamburrini,   HanadAhmed, ThomasTalbot, Oliver Harrison, Mansoor Khan, Simon Tilley, Aiman Alzetani.

Trauma Case Rep. 2020 May 17;27:100305. doi: 10.1016/j.tcr.2020.100305. eCollection 2020 Jun.

PMCID: PMC7236049   DOI: 10.1016/j.tcr.2020.100305.

7. Tracheal leiomyoma mimicking asthma for over 20 years. Oliver J Harrison, Mark Jackson, Emily   Shaw, Aiman Alzetani. J Surg Case Rep. 2020 Sep 23;2020(9):rjaa323. PMID: 32994916 PMCID: PMC7509891 DOI: 10.1093/jscr/rjaa323

Major grants:

  • NIHR CRI0378-   Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of Inspiratoiry Muscle Training   -INSPIRE: £1,872,724.00 (Co Investigator 2019)

  • NIHR-HTA -   Gabapentin in Post Surgery Pain: £1,139, 565.13 (Co Investigator 2017)

  • ECMC/CRUK/UHS   - Tissue Analysis for Stratifying therapy in Proliferative Lung Disease £1,400,000.00

Impact example:

SmartT: A collaboration between UHS and UoS Schools of Chemistry (Prof David Harrowven, Rebecca Mayrhofer) and Electronic and Computer Sciences (Prof Steve Beeby) on developing smart wound dressings using nanotechnology that have both diagnostic and therapeutic features. It is part of an Interreg Channel ( ) funded programme on Smart Textiles for Regional Industry and Smart Specialisation Sectors with a budget of €5,400,000.00 (£4,920,000.00). 

I am co-applicant, a collaborator and the clinical advisor for this project and have arranged the linkup with the hospital commercial director for future collaboration and sharing IP.

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