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Dr Chrissie Jones


Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases

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Dr Jones' research interests focus on interventions in pregnancy to prevent infection in early life.

She is an international expert in maternal vaccination and has led pertussis, RSV and COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials in pregnancy. She is the co-director of IMPRINT (, a global network of experts in vaccination.

Dr Jones leads studies to reduce the risk of CMV acquisition in pregnancy and is engaging with policy makers to integrate CMV education into routine antenatal care in the UK. She leads the Wessex perinatal infection service and serves as medical advisor to the charity CMV Action.

Landmark publications:

Jones, C. E., Calvert, A., Southern, J., Matheson, M., Andrews, N., Khalil, A., et al. (2021). A phase IV, multi-centre, randomized clinical trial comparing two pertussis-containing vaccines in pregnant women in England and vaccine responses in their infants. BMC Medicine, 19(1), 138–11.

RECOVERY Collaborative Group (2021). Tocilizumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial. The Lancet, 397(10285), 1637–1645.

Flood, J., Shingleton, J., Bennett, E., Walker, B., Amin-Chowdhury, Z., Oligbu, G., … Jones, C.E… Ladhani, S. (2021). 

Paediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS): Prospective, national surveillance, United Kingdom and Ireland, 2020. The Lancet Regional Health. Europe, 3, 100075.

Harwood, R., Allin, B., Jones, C. E., Whittaker, E., Ramnarayan, P., Ramanan, A. V., et al. (2020). A national consensus management pathway for paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with COVID-19 (PIMS-TS): results of a national Delphi process. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 1–10.

Whittaker, E., Bamford, A., Kenny, J., Kaforou, M., Jones, C. E., Shah, P., et al. (2020). Clinical Characteristics of 58 Children with a Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome Temporally Associated With SARS-CoV-2. JAMA. 2020;324(3):259-269

Ramasamy, M. N., Minassian, A. M., Ewer, K. J., Flaxman, A. L., Folegatti, P. M., Owens, D. R., et al. (2021). Safety and immunogenicity of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine administered in a prime-boost regimen in young and old adults (COV002): a single-blind, randomised, controlled, phase 2/3 trial. Lancet, 396(10267), 1979–1993.

Folegatti, P. M., Ewer, K. J., Aley, P. K., Angus, B., Becker, S., Belij-Rammerstorfer, S.. on behalf of the Oxford COVID Vaccine Trial Group (2020). Safety and immunogenicity of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2: a preliminary report of a phase 1/2, single-blind, randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 396(10249), 467–478.

Madhi, S. A., Polack, F. P., Piedra, P. A., Munoz, F. M., Trenholme, A. A., Simões, E. A. F., et al. (2020). Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccination during Pregnancy and Effects in Infants. The New England Journal of Medicine, 383(5), 426–439.

Tregoning, J. S., Weiner, J., Cizmeci, D., Hake, D., Maertzdorf, J., Kaufmann, S. H. E., ….Jones, C.E..(2020). Pregnancy has a minimal impact on the acute transcriptional signature to vaccination. Npj Vaccines, 5(1), 436.

Eckert, L. O., Jones, C. E., Kachikis, A., Bardají, A., Silva, F. T. D., Absalon, J., et al. (2020). Obstetrics risk Assessment: Evaluation of selection criteria for vaccine research studies in pregnant women. Vaccine, 38(29), 4542–4547.

Vandrevala, T., Barber, V., Calvert, A., Star, C., Khalil, A., Griffiths, P., et al. (2019). Understanding pregnant women's readiness to engage in risk-reducing measures to prevent infections during pregnancy. Journal of Health Psychology, 1359105319884609.

Wilcox, C. R., Calvert, A., Metz, J., Kilich, E., MacLeod, R., Beadon, K., et al. (2019). Determinants of Influenza and Pertussis Vaccination Uptake in Pregnancy: A Multicenter Questionnaire Study of Pregnant Women and Healthcare Professionals. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 38(6), 625–630.

Retzler, J., Hex, N., Bartlett, C., Webb, A., Wood, S., Star, C., …Jones, C.E. (2019). Economic cost of congenital CMV in the UK. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 104(6), 559–563.

Wilcox, C. R., Calvert, A., Metz, J., Kilich, E., MacLeod, R., Beadon, K., et al. (2019). Attitudes of Pregnant Women and Healthcare Professionals Toward Clinical Trials and Routine Implementation of Antenatal Vaccination Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 1–8.

O'Sullivan, C. P., Lamagni, T., Patel, D., Efstratiou, A., Cunney, R., Meehan, M., et al. (2019). Group B streptococcal disease in UK and Irish infants younger than 90 days, 2014-15: a prospective surveillance study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19(1), 83–90.

Jones, C. E., Munoz, F. M., Spiegel, H. M. L., Heininger, U., Zuber, P. L. F., Edwards, K. M., et al. (2016). Guideline for collection, analysis and presentation of safety data in clinical trials of vaccines in pregnant women. Vaccine, 34(49), 5998–6006.

Jones, C. E., Munoz, F. M., Kochhar, S., Vergnano, S., Cutland, C. L., Steinhoff, M., et al. (2016). Guidance for the collection of case report form variables to assess safety in clinical trials of vaccines in pregnancy. Vaccine, 1–8.

Ladhani, S. N., Andrews, N. J., Southern, J., Jones, C. E., Amirthalingam, G., Waight, P. A., et al. (2015). Antibody Responses After Primary Immunization in Infants Born to Women Receiving a Pertussis-containing Vaccine During Pregnancy: Single Arm Observational Study With a Historical Comparator. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 61(11), 1637–1644.

Jones, C. E., Hesseling, A. C., Tena-Coki, N. G., Scriba, T. J., Chegou, N. N., Kidd, M., et al. (2015). The impact of HIV exposure and maternal Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection on infant immune responses to bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination. Aids, 29(2), 155–165.

Jones, C. E., Naidoo, S., De Beer, C., Esser, M., Kampmann, B., & Hesseling, A. C. (2011). Maternal HIV Infection and Antibody Responses Against Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in Uninfected Infants. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 305(6), 576–584.

Major grants:

Primary prevention of cytomegalovirus in pregnancy: addressing the gaps: NIHR PRP; PI: 2020 - 2021; £146,958.

IMmunising PRegnant women and INfants neTwork (IMPRINT); GCRF/UKRI: Co-PI with Professor Beate Kampmann: £2.5million; 2017-2021

Optimising the Timing of whooping cough Immunisation in MUMs (OptiMUM); Thrasher Research Fund and NISEC (DoH); Co-I to Professor Paul Heath; £450,700; 2018-2021

A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Maternal Immunization with RSV F Vaccine in Preventing RSV Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Young Infants: Novavax; PI; £135,886: 2017-2019

Evaluation and Validation of GAIA Maternal Immunization Outcome Definitions: National Vaccine Programme Office (NVPO); Co-applicant; £250,000; 2017-2018

Reducing Acquisition of CMV through antenatal Education (RACE FIT): NIHR; CI; £290,770; 2016-2020

Impact examples: 

Recent impacts include: the first randomised controlled trial of a digital intervention in pregnancy to reduce the risk of CMV infection which paves the way for inclusion of CMV risk reduction as part of antenatal care; and the evaluation of pertussis vaccines in pregnancy (iMAP1 and iMAP2) which were considered by JCVI when recommending the continuance of pertussis vaccination programme in pregnancy in the UK.

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