Prof Christopher Kipps
Consultant Neurologist; Honorary Professor of Clinical Neurology and Dementia; Clinical Director of R&D; Director of Southampton Emerging Therapies and Technologies (SETT) Centre
Profile page(s)
Professor Kipps is a Consultant Neurologist at Wessex Neurological Centre (Southampton) and Professor at University of Southampton.
He has an active research programme in dementia and long-term neurological conditions, leading in a range of interventional and observational trials. He has research interests in digital tools to support care and implementation of secure data environments (SDE) to address research questions in health and social care.
He is Clinical Director for R&D at UHS and the Southampton Emerging Therapies and Technologies (SETT) centre and has leadership roles in Wessex ARC, CRN and the Wessex SDE programme.
Landmark publications:
Fearn S, … Kipps C, The Causes and Impact of Crisis for People with Parkinson's Disease: A Patient and Carer Perspective (2021) J Parkinsons Dis. doi: 10.3233/JPD-212641
Prosser AMJ, Spreadbury JH, Tosci-Bolt L, Kipps CM, Imaging Care Requirements: Use of Functional HMPAO- SPECT Scanning to Predict Caregiver Burden (2018) Dementia Geriatric Cogn Dis Extra 26 (1):180-189
Walker T, Ghosh B, Kipps C; Assessing Decline: Visualising Progression in Huntington’s Disease using a Clinical Dashboard with Enroll-HD Data (2017); J Huntington’s Dis. 6(2):139-147
Rascovsky K, …,Kipps CM, …Miller BL. Sensitivity of revised diagnostic criteria for the behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia. Brain, 2011. 134(9): 2456-77.
Kipps CM, Nestor PJ, Dawson CE, Mitchell J, Hodges JR. Measuring progression in frontotemporal dementia: implications for therapeutic interventions. Neurology 2008 May 27;70:2046-2052.
Major grants:
2020 Kipps. Health Foundation, Neuro Online – Use, uptake, utility and effectiveness. £0.07M
2021 Chance, Kipps. I4i NIHR. Cortical Disarray Measurement in Dementia. £1.40M
2021 Kipps. Health Foundation. Health Economic Evaluation of MyMR. £0.05M
2021 Chan, Kipps. NIHR. Cognitive Impairment in Long Covid: phenotyping and rehabilitation (CICERO). £1.18M
2021 Kipps. Wessex ARC. Strategies to improve uptake, use and utility of digital care in long-term neurological conditions. £0.18M
2021 Kipps. NHSX. Wessex Locality TRE for Real World Evaluation. £0.50M
2022 Kipps. NHSE. Subnational TRE Wave 2. £0.30M