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Prof Damon Teagle

B.Sc.(Hons.) Otago, MSc (Distinction) Otago , PhD (Cantab.)

Professor of Geochemistry and Director of the Southampton Marine & Maritime Institute, University of Southampton

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Prof Teagle is an environmental scientist with broad interests in energy, resources, pollution and impacts of technological solutions to global challenges on human health. 

An isotope geochemist by background, he's helped build the world-class environmental analytical facilities (Geochemistry Research Group) in the School of Ocean & Earth Science at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton. As Director of the pan-University of Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute, he has championed research into the characterisation and source appropriation of atmospheric particulate matter and impacts on human health. His on-going research focuses on decarbonisation, geoengineering and application of AI to environmental data.

Landmark publications:

Carlisle, D.P., Feetham, P.M., Wright, M.J., Teagle, D.A.H., (2020). The public remain uninformed and wary of climate engineering. Climate change 160:303-322. doi: 10.1007/s10584-020-02706-5

Sutherland, R., Townend, J., et al., inc. Teagle, D.A.H., (2017). Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate-bounding fault. Nature, 546:137-140. doi:10.1038/nature22355

Loxham, M., Morgan-Walsh, R.J., Cooper, M.J., Blume, C., Swindle, E.J., Dennison, P.W., Howarth, P.H., Cassee, F.R., Teagle, D.A.H., Palmer, M.R., Davies, D.E., (2015) The effects on bronchial epithelial mucociliary cultures of coarse, fine, and ultra-fine particulate matter from an underground railway station. Toxicological Sciences 145(1):98-107. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfv034

Wright, M.J., Teagle, D.A.H., and Feetham, P.M., (2014) A quantitative evaluation of the public response to climate engineering, Nature Climate Change 10.1038/nclimate2087

Loxham, M., Cooper, M., Gerlofs-Nijland, M., Cassee, F., Davies, D., Palmer, M., Teagle, D., (2013). Physicochemical Characterization of Airborne Particulate Matter at a Mainline Underground Railway Station. Env. Sci. Tech. 47(8): 3614-3622, doi: 10.1021/es304481m

Teagle, D.A.H., and Ildefonse, B. (2011) Journey to the mantle of the Earth, Nature 471:437-439

Coggon, R.M., Teagle, D.A.H., Smith-Duque, C.E., Alt, J.C., Cooper, M.J., (2010) Reconstructing past seawater Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca from mid-ocean ridge flank hydrothermal CaCO3 veins. Science 327:1114-1117

Vance, D., Teagle, D.A.H., Foster, G.L., (2009) Variable Quaternary chemical weathering fluxes and imbalances in marine geochemical budgets. Nature, 458:493-496, doi:10.1038/nature07828.

Wilson D. S., Teagle D. A. H., Alt J. C., et al (2006) Drilling to gabbro in intact ocean crust. Science 312, 1016-1020. DOI: 10.1126/science.1126090

Major grants (on-going):

See University of Southampton profile for further details.

  • IDRIC Project 50 “CO2 Ports to Pipelines” [CO2P2P](Teagle, Turnock, Armstrong, Ntovas (IML)) (£218,537 @80%FEC) FUNDED and started Sept 2020.

  • Zero carbon base load power for large ships(IUK# 10011959) Strand 1 Feasibility Study. Carnival plc, Ceres Power, Shell Shipping, Lloyd’s Register, and University of Southampton (PI. Hudson, Co-Is Turnock, Wills, Cruden, Teagle); Total Project Cost £474k of which £176k to UoS at 80% FEC) – DfT Clean Maritime Demonstrator Competition - FUNDED

  • Feasibility of Ultra-long Endurance Hydrogen powered Uncrewed Surface Vessels (IUK# 10005309) Strand 1 Feasibility Study. Acua Ocean Ltd and University of Southampton (PI Wills, Co-Is Turnock, Hudson, Cruden, Teagle, and Prince (Wolfson Unit); Total Project Cost £326k of which £115k to UoS at 80% FEC) DfT Clean Maritime Demonstrator Competition - FUNDED

  • Ammonia Marine Propulsion System (AMPS-USV) (IUK# 10007021) Strand 2 Demonstrator. Ocean Infinity, Oxford Green Innotech Ltd, Univ Oxford, Shell Shipping, and University of Southampton (PI Turnock, Co-Is, Hudson, Wills, Cruden, and Teagle); Total Project Cost £2.725M of which £317k to UoS at 80% FEC) DfT Clean Maritime Demonstrator Competition – FUNDED.

  • NE/W007517/1: NSFGEO-NERC: Data Mining the Deep: Combining Geochemistry and Imaging Spectroscopy to Quantify Deep Hydrothermal Circulation at Mid-Ocean Ridges Ehlmann, B., Greenberger, R., Teagle, D.A.H. (UK-PI), Harris, M., £660018 FUNDED for 3 years, £163476 to UoS @80%FEC.

Impact examples:

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