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Dr Harnish Patel


Consultant Physician, Medicine for Older People, University Hospital Southampton; Lead Medical Examiner, Southampton; Honorary Associate Professor, University of Southampton; Deputy Programme Lead Year 3 Medicine

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Clinical Experience:

  • Level 2 Clinical Excellence Award, Senior Clinical Mentor Award 2022, UHS Hospital Heroes award 2020.

Research interests:

  • PI for the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS) that explored life course and molecular influences on sarcopenia. Established a primary cell culture biobank to help understand the molecular determinants of sarcopenia.

  • CI for the Lifestyle, Musculoskeletal Health and Wellbeing in Older Adults During COVID-19 pandemic study seeking to explore impact of the pandemic, lifestyle, nutrition, and activity has had on muscle and bone health.

  • Associate editor for the journals Age and Ageing and Geriatrics.

Landmark publications:

Laskou F, Fuggle NR, Patel HP, Jameson K, Cooper C, Dennison E. (2022) Associations of osteoporosis and sarcopenia with frailty and multimorbidity among participants of the Hertfordshire Cohort Study, Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 13, 220-229,

Antoun E, Garratt ES, Taddei A, Burton MA, Barton SJ, Titcombe P, Westbury L D, Baczynska A, Migliavacca E, Feige JN, Sydall H E, Dennison E, Dodds R, Roberts H C, Richardson P, Sayer A A, Shaw S, Cooper C, Holbrook JD, Patel HP, Godfrey KM, Lillycrop KA and the EpiGen Global Research Consortium (2022). Epigenome-wide association study of sarcopenia: findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS), Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 3, 240– 253,

Laskou F, Linfield A, Aggarwal P, Dennison EM, Patel HP. Establishing a Resource to Assess Musculoskeletal Health in Older Adults in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Time to SaLSA? Osteology. 2022; 2(1):41-51.

Woolford SJ, D'Angelo S, Curtis EM, Parsons CM, Ward KA, Dennison EM, Patel HP, Cooper C, Harvey NC. COVID-19 and associations with frailty and multimorbidity: a prospective analysis of UK Biobank participants. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2020 Jul 23:1-9. doi: 10.1007/s40520-020-01653-6.

Clegg A, Patel HP. Sarcopenia and Frailty, Oxford Textbook of Medicine 6th Edition. 2020.

Migliavacca, E, Tay SKH, Patel HP. et al. Mitochondrial oxidative capacity and NAD+ biosynthesis are reduced in human sarcopenia across ethnicities. Nat Commun 10, 5808 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41467-019-13694-1

Garros RF, Lee JY, Natanek AS, Connolly M, Sayer AA, Patel HP, Cooper C, Polkey MI, Kemp PR. Quadriceps miR-542-3p and 5p are elevated in COPD and reduce function by inhibiting ribosomal and protein synthesis J Appl Physiol (1985) 2019 jun1; 126 (6): 1514-1524

Major grants:

  • UHS R&D Grant Musculoskeletal Health in Community Dwelling Older People. Main applicant £43,414 2022-2025

  • UHS NHS Charities Together. Improving the Physical Activity of Hospitalised Older People. Main applicant £64K. 2021-2023

  • Benevolent AI/Epigen Collaboration. Using a model system to assess therapeutics Approx. Co-applicant £800K-1M. 2018

  • The dynamics of frailty in older people: modelling the impact on health care demand and outcomes to inform service planning and commissioning. NIHR Health service and Delivery Research Programme. Co-applicant £765, 357.71. 2018

  • Health Education England, Wessex & Wessex CLAHRC, Workforce and Education initiative in Frailty. Main applicant £105,300. 2016

  • Understanding the molecular basis of sarcopenia at a single cell level. MRC seed fund. Co-applicant £9771. 2017-2018

  • MEMOSA - Multi-Ethnic MOlecular determinants of human SArcopenia. Project research grant 2014-2016, Auckland Uniservices (Nestec) Co-PI £454, 421.00. 2015

Impact example:

PI for the Multi-Ethnic MOlecular determinants of human SArcopenia (MEMOSA) study where novel RNA sequencing approach showed for the first time, that mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is perturbed in individuals diagnosed with sarcopenia (Nat Commun. PMID: 31862890.

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