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Prof Ian Clarke

BSc(Hons), PhD

Professor of Virology

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Ian leads a research team that is interested in host-pathogen interactions with special emphasis on intracellular pathogens and diseases for which there are currently no effective vaccines. His specialism is enteric viruses. 

The ‘Southampton virus’ was the first norovirus to be characterised at the molecular level (published in Science). The group have subsequently developed the first reverse genetics system for noroviruses and the long term aim is to adapt human norovirus to growth in cell culture. 

Ian also leads the Chlamydia research group which focusses on basic science with expertise in chlamydial molecular biology, genetics, genomics and evolution

Landmark publications: 

Sequence and genome organization of a human small round-structured (Norwalk-like) virus

PR Lambden, EO Caul, CR Ashley, N Clarke

Science 259 (5094), 516-519

Development of a Transformation System for Chlamydia trachomatis: Restoration of Glycogen Biosynthesis by Acquisition of a Plasmid Shuttle Vector

Y Wang, S Kahane, LT Cutcliffe, RJ Skilton, PR Lambden, IN Clarke

PLoS pathogens 7 (9), e1002258

Impact example: 

‘Southampton virus' was the first human noroviruses and for which the complete sequence was deteremined. Characterization of this virus represented the culmination of many years work to pinpoint the causative viral agent of epidemic non bacterial gastroenteritis. The first reverse genetics system for noroviruses developed jointly between Otago and Southampton. In collaboration with Professor Jon Cooper we determined the structure of human norovirus 3C protease this now allows the development of antivirals.

Contact us

023 8120 8548

NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre
Southampton Centre for Biomedical Research
Mailpoint 218
Southampton General Hospital
Tremona Road
SO16  6YD 


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