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Prof Michael Boniface


Director of the IT Innovation Centre, Director of the Web Sciences Institute

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Michael has 20+ years’ experience of applied research and innovation in federated systems management and data-driven research and innovation across healthcare, smart cities, engineering, telecommunications and creative industries. He is Director of the IT Innovation Centre and Director of the Web Science institute. 

He leads the Social Data Foundation, an initiative informing NHS Secure Data Environments and UKRI federated research infrastructures (DARE UK). His interdisciplinary research tackles challenges of data governance, AI, decisions and codesign for public health, chronic disease management, emergency care, and integrated health and social care systems.

Landmark publications:

Boniface, M., Carmichael, L., Hall, W., Pickering, B., Stalla-Bourdillon, S. and Taylor, S., 2022. The Social Data Foundation model: Facilitating health and social care transformation through datatrust services. Data & Policy, 4.

Chmiel, F.P., Burns, D.K., Pickering, J.B., Blythin, A., Wilkinson, T.M. and Boniface, M.J., 2022. Prediction of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation Events by Using Patient Self-reported Data in a Digital Health App: Statistical Evaluation and Machine Learning Approach. JMIR medical informatics, 10(3), p.e26499.

Duckworth, C., Chmiel, F.P., Burns, D.K., Zlatev, Z.D., White, N.M., Daniels, T.W., Kiuber, M. and Boniface, M.J., 2021. Using explainable machine learning to characterise data drift and detect emergent health risks for emergency department admissions during COVID-19. Scientific reports, 11(1), pp.1-10.

Crowdhealth: Holistic health records and big data analytics for health policy making and personalized health

Vandenberghe, W., Boniface, M., Vermeulen, B., Demeester, P., Willner, A., Papavassiliou, S., Gavras, A., Sioutis, M., Quereilhac, A., Al-Hazmi, Y., Lobillo, F. and Schreiner, F., 2013, July. Architecture for the heterogeneous federation of future internet experimentation facilities. In 2013 Future Network & Mobile Summit (pp. 1-11). IEEE.

Boniface, M., Nasser, B., Papay, J., Phillips, S.C., Servin, A., Yang, X., Zlatev, Z., Gogouvitis, S.V., Katsaros, G., Konstanteli, K. and Kousiouris, G., 2010, May. Platform-as-a-service architecture for real-time quality of service management in clouds. In 2010 Fifth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (pp. 155-160). IEEE.

Bertram, S., Boniface, M., Surridge, M., Briscombe, N. and Hall-May, M., 2010, July. On-demand dynamic security for risk-based secure collaboration in clouds. In 2010 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing (pp. 518-525). IEEE.

Boniface, M., Phillips, S.C., Sanchez-Macian, A. and Surridge, M., 2007, September. Dynamic service provisioning using GRIA SLAs. In International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (pp. 56-67). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Major grants:

  • 12/2022, 48 months, €6,991,961, EU. Synthetic generation of hematological data over federated computing frameworks. CI

  • 06/2022, 30 months, £2,208,466, NIHR. Multidisciplinary Ecosystem to study Lifecourse Determinants and Prevention of Early-onset Burdensome Multimorbidity. CI

  • 01/2022, 8 months, £249,499, UKRI. PRiAM: Privacy Risk Assessment Methodology. PI

  • 10/2021, 29 months, £180,000, NIHR. PROCED: PROactive, Collaborative and Efficient complex Discharge. PI

  • 10/2021, 30 months, £1,230,102, NIHR. Population clusters for integrating health and social care: A mixed-methods study on MLTCs. CI.

  • 09/2021, 30 months, £1,500,000, NIHR. my Smart COPD exacerbation management. PI

  • 06/2021, 11 months, £149,294, UKRI. Co-designing Trustworthy Autonomous Diabetes Systems. PI

  • 01/2018, 44 months, €14,997,306, EU. BigMedilytics - Big Data for Medical Analytics. CI

  • 03/2017, 36 months, €4,999,550, EU. Collective wisdom driving public health policies. CI

  • 01/2017, 45 months, €4,999,742, EU. Facility for Large-scale Adaptive Media. PI

  • 10/2011, 36 months, €4,984,997, EU. EXPERiments in live social and networked MEDIA. PI

Impact example:

During the COVID-10 pandemic he worked with partners across North Hampshire to pilot and deliver COVID Virtual Wards to support remote monitoring of patients in the community. He led the South East NHSx RECOxCARE proposal and data analysis, whilst supporting specification of digital architecture. His rapid insights “Validation of home oxygen saturations as a marker of clinical deterioration in patients with suspected COVID-19” informed national policies. The programme was scaled by Dr Matt Inada-Kim as the £60 million national COVID Oximetry @ Home programme, the clinical model adopted by the World Health Organisation, whilst the guidance for people at home to purchase a pulse oximeter published on the BBC News Website. COVID Oximetry @ Home received the overall Health Service Journal (HSJ) Awards in 2021.

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