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Prof Peter Smith


Director, Institute for Life Sciences

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Peter JS Smith is the founding Director of the Institute for Life Sciences. 

The Institute has built an impressive foundation for supporting interdisciplinary research on behalf of students and staff across faculties, from medicine, health and biological sciences, to the physical sciences, mathematics and engineering. 

Smith further directs two national networks, MyAge and FortisNet, and supports several regional medical and health initiatives including the Wessex Health Partnership. He researches mechanisms of mitochondrial modulation, physiological impacts of global climate change and the applications of advanced optics and machine learning to bioimaging.

Landmark publications:

Far-field unlabelled super-resolution imaging with superoscillatory illumination Edward Rogers, Shmma Quraishe, Katrine S. Rogers, Tracey Newman, P.J.S. Smith, & Nikolai Zheludev  2020 , APL Photonics , 5 (6) , 1--10. DOI: 10.1063/1.5144918

Bcl-xL regulates metabolic efficiency of neurons through interaction with the mitochondrial F1FO ATP synthase KN Alavian, H Li, L Collis, L Bonanni, L Zeng, S Sacchetti, E Lazrove, et al Nature cell biology 13 (10), 1224-1233

Ion trapping with fast-response ion-selective microelectrodes enhances detection of extracellular ion channel gradients Mark A. Messerli, Leon P. Collis & Peter J.S. Smith, 2009, Biophysical Journal , 96 (4) , 1597--1605. DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2008.11.025

Bcl-xL induces Drp1-dependent synapse formation in cultured hippocampal neurons Hongmei Li, Yingbei Chen, Adrienne F. Jones, Richard H. Sanger, Leon P. Collis, Richard Flannery, Ewan C. McNay, Tingxi Yu, Robert Schwarzenbacher, Blaise Bossy, Ella Bossy-Wetzel, Michael V.L. Bennett, Marc Pypaert, John A. Hickman, Peter J.S. Smith, J. Marie Hardwick, & Elizabeth A. Jonas, 2008 , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 105 (6) , 2169--2174. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0711647105

Transepithelial projections from basal cells are luminal sensors in pseudostratified epithelia Winnie Wai Chi Shum, Nicolas Da Silva, Mary McKee, Peter J.S. Smith, Dennis Brown, & Sylvie Breton, 2008 , Cell , 135 (6) , 1108--1117. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2008.10.020

Oxidative phosphorylation-dependent and -independent oxygen consumption by individual preimplantation mouse embryos James R. Trimarchi, Lin Liu, D. Marshall Porterfield, Peter J.S. Smith, & David L. Keefe 2000, Biology of Reproduction , 62 (6) , 1866—1874

Acidification of the male reproductive tract by a proton pumping (H+)-ATPase 1996

S Breton, PJS Smith, B Lui, D Brown Nature medicine 2 (4), 470-472

Major grants:

Principal Investigator on NIH/NCRR P41 RR01395 awarded from NIH National Center for Research Resources. Transferred from L.F. Jaffe. Direct Cost, $1,431,752 (1991-1996) MBL

Principal Investigator on NIH/NCRR P41 RR001395 from NIH National Center for Research Resources to BioCurrents Research Center. Direct Cost $1,471,466 MBL 1996-1999

Principal Investigator on NIH/NCRR P41 RR001395 from NIH National Center for Research Resources to BioCurrents Research Center. $4,644,290 MBL 1999-2004

Principal Investigator on NIH/NCRR P41 RR001395 from NIH National Center for Research Resources to BioCurrents Research Center. $6,552,058 MBL 2006-2010 

Principal Investigator on R41 DK065351-01: Phase I STTR with BRInc: Ultra-micro-oxygen sensor development $223,461 BRInc (direct costs)

Principal Investigator on NIH ARRA High End Instrumentation (S10) award. Purchase of a laser scanning confocal microscope. $1,695,379 (direct cost only) MBL. 2020-2011

Principal Investigator on NIH ARRA Administrative Supplement to P41 RR001395: Mechanisms of cisplatin resistance in ovarian cancer. $897,629 MBL 2010-2011

Principal Investigator on NIH R21 DK063984 Pancreatic Islets: Role of islet structure and function in regulated insulin release $310,000 MBL 2003-2006

Regional Co-Applicant BBSRC IKC National Biofilms Innovation Centre (PI: Jeremy Webb UoS). £12M (excluding industrial match) 2018-2023

Impact examples:

  • Polarographic self-referencing probe and method for using. Patent no. 5,9683,40: 2000

  • Hampshire County Council Nucleusevent. Keynote address on regional opportunities for enterprise and the life sciences 2015

  • Solent LEP presentation on the life sciences audit and smart specialisations. 2015

  • Innovation South - A Powerhouse of World Class Strengths in Digital Enabling Technologies. A science and innovation audit report sponsored by the Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy. Report 2017

  • 2018-2021 Board Rosalind Franklin Institute and UoS representative.

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