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Dr Sophie Fletcher


Consultant Physician and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer

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Dr Fletcher is an established clinical consultant, working within the field of interstitial lung disease  (ILD), and has represented University Hospital Southampton (UHS) nationally and internationally as a recognised leader in the field. 

Dr Fletcher believes that research should be integral to clinical care, and has offered research opportunities to her patients since she was appointed as a clinical consultant in 2012. She has: 

  • been able to present therapeutic options to those that otherwise would have none, 

  • allowed access to treatment before NICE guidance are implemented on a compassionate basis, providing both patient benefit, along with financial and reputational benefit to UHS.  

She works closely with colleagues in research based at the University of Southampton and the NIHR Southampton BRC, and was elected as Honorary Senior Clinical lecturer 2016. She recruits patients with ILD from the clinical service to basic science studies, phase 1/2/3 clinical trials and observational studies. 

Her clinical experience has not only facilitated involvement with trial delivery, but also enabled participation in trial design. To ensure clinical relevance, she has:

  • presented at advisory boards for the antifibrotic agents prior to clinical use

  • provided clinical input for trial design for global phase 2 clinical trials in ILD

  • been the UK chief investigator for 3 trials following my input in design

Dr Fletcher was appointed in 2017-19 as the Speciality Lead for Respiratory Medicine, Wessex, by the CRN (Clinical Research Network) which recognised her research experience and enthusiasm as well as ability to collaborate and communicate in a research setting. She have obtained funding support for a CRN fellow for the last 5 years.

She was the clinical lead for the Respiratory Department at University Hospital Southampton (UHS) since 2018 and throughout the COVID 19 global pandemic.

During the pandemic, she led a clinical team faced with a novel respiratory virus that continues to circulate. She is the principal Investigator for the RECOVERY trial at UHS, which highlighted the beneficial role of dexamethasone and provided evidence for the limited or ineffectual role of other therapies within an unprecedented time frame.

She has represented UHS as a speaker for national bodies including:

  • Royal Society of Medicine 

  • British Thoracic Society 

  • British Lung Foundation

Dr Fletcher was worked with the British Lung Foundation, the biomedical research unit, the University of Southampton and Portsmouth hospital to set up a patient support group for those in Wessex with  ILD – WILD (

Landmark publications:

1. Sivaloganathan AA, Nasim-Mohi M, Brown MM, Abdul   N, Jackson A, Fletcher SV, Gupta   S, Grocott MPW, Dushianthan A; University Hospital Southampton Critical Care   and Respiratory Medicine Teams and the REACT investigators; UHS Critical Care   Clinical Team; UHS Respiratory Clinical Team; REACT Investigators.   Noninvasive ventilation for COVID-19-associated acute hypoxaemic respiratory   failure: experience from a single centre. Br J Anaesth. 2020   Oct;125(4):e368-e371. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2020.07.008. Epub 2020 Jul 21. PMID:   32811662; PMCID: PMC7373070.

2. Brereton CJ, Wallis T, Casey M, Fox L,   Pontopiddan K, Laws D, Graves J, Titmuss V, Kearney S, Evans S, Grove A,   Hamid S, Richeldi L, O'Reilly KMA, Fletcher   SV, Jones MG. Time taken from primary care referral to a specialist   centre diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: an opportunity to improve   patient outcomes? ERJ Open Res. 2020 Jul 20;6(2):00120-2020. doi:   10.1183/23120541.00120-2020. PMID: 32714958; PMCID: PMC7369434.

3. Hill C, Li J, Liu D, Conforti F, Brereton CJ, Yao   L, Zhou Y, Alzetani A, Chee SJ, Marshall BG, Fletcher SV, Hancock D, Ottensmeier CH, Steele AJ, Downward J,   Richeldi L, Lu X, Davies DE, Jones MG, Wang Y. Autophagy inhibition-mediated   epithelial-mesenchymal transition augments local myofibroblast   differentiation in pulmonary fibrosis. Cell Death Dis. 2019 Aug 7;10(8):591.   doi: 10.1038/s41419-019-1820-x. PMID: 31391462; PMCID: PMC6685977.

4. Sgalla G, Larici AR, Sverzellati N, Bartholmai B,   Walsh SLF, Nikolic D, Barney A, Fletcher   S, Jones M, Davies DD, Richeldi L. Quantitative analysis of lung sounds   for monitoring idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a prospective pilot study. Eur   Respir J. 2019 Mar 7;53(3):1802093. doi: 10.1183/13993003.02093-2018. PMID:   30578384. Quantitative analysis of lung sounds for monitoring idiopathic   pulmonary fibrosis: a prospective pilot study

5. Luca   Richeldi, Sophie Fletcher, Huzaifa   Adamali, Nazia Chaudhuri, Sabrina Wieb, Sven Wind, Kathrin Hohl, Andrew   Baker, Rozsa Schlenker-Herceg, Susanne Stowasser, Toby M. Maher. No relevant   pharmacokinetic drug-drug interaction between nintedanib and pirfenidone. Eur   Respir J 2019; 1801060

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