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Prof Sumeet Mahajan

MSc, MTech, PhD, FRSC

Professor of Molecular Biophotonics and Imaging. Associate Director, Institute of Life Sciences. Head of Chemical Biology, School of Chemistry

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Prof Sumeet Mahajan is a Professor in Molecular Biophotonics & Imaging in Chemistry with a joint appointment in the Institute for Life Sciences at the University of Southampton. His group works at the life science interface with chemistry and photonics. The overarching aim of the research is to develop optical techniques and instrumentation to extract chemical information in a label-free manner from biological systems to understand disease processes for early, faster or more sensitive diagnostics for health and well-being. Exemplar application areas include biofilm and anti-microbial resistance detection and treatment and development of novel 3D imaging methods for understanding the pathogenesis of TB and IPF

Landmark publications:

1. Niall Hanrahan,   Simon I. R. Lane, Peter Johnson, Konstantinos Bourdakos, Christopher   Brereton, Robert A. Ridley, Elizabeth R. Davies, Neveen A. Hosny, Gunnar   Spickermann, Robert Forster, Graeme Malcolm, Donna Davies, Mark G.   Jones, Sumeet Mahajan*, "Label-free and   Multimodal Second Harmonic Generation Light Sheet   Microscopy", bioRxiv 2020.09.07.284703.

2.  Anna   Huefner, Wei-Li Kuan, Sarah Mason, Sumeet Mahajan* and Roger   Barker*, "Serum Raman Spectroscopy as a Diagnostic Tool in Patients with   Huntington’s Disease", Chemical Science 2020, 11, 525-523. DOI:10.1039/C9SC03711J .

3. Mark G Jones et   al. "Nanoscale dysregulation of collagen structure-function disrupts   mechano-homeostasis and mediates pulmonary fibrosis", eLife   2018;7:e36354 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.36354

Major grants:

EPSRC (EP/V038036/1): Transformative   Imaging for Quantitative Biology (TIQBio) Partnership. EPSRC contribution of   £ 1,626,518 matched by an equal amount of Industrial Contribution (2021-2026)

EPSRC (EP/T020997/1): Lighting   the Way to a Healthy Nation - Optical 'X-rays' for Walk Through Diagnosis   & Therapy. Co-I and Southampton Lead with Prof Mark Bradley. Overall   £6.2M with £2.4M to Southampton (2020-2025).

NanoChemBioVision – ERC Grant ( 638258): Next Generation Label-free   Chemical Nanoscopy for Biomedical Applications. £1.5M (1.916M Euros),   2015-2020

Impact example:

Patented optical technologies for label-free microscopy are in the   process of commercialisation.

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