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Dr Tracy Long-Sutehall

PhD, MSc, BSc, CPsychol, AFBPS, FHEA

Associate Professor in Applied Health Sciences Research

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Dr Long-Sutehall is an Associate Professor in the School of Health Sciences and a member of the Cancer and Life-Limiting Conditions (CALC) Research Group. 

Tracy leads two research programmes: Organ/Tissue Donation Decision-making and Behaviour change Research Programme (OTDDBRP) and End of life care Decision making in High/Low Technology settings Research Programme (EDHLTRP). These have generated an extensive body of knowledge related to individual, social, organisational and institutional systems and factors that influence end-of-life decision-making, behaviours, actions and outcomes. This work is informing both clinical practice and national policy. Tracy has supervised six PhD students to completion. She is Executive Chair of Wessex Research Active Hospice Development Group, and Chief Investigator of the EDiPPPP study.

Landmark publications:

Long-Sutehall T, Madi-Segwagwe BC, Hurlow A, Faull C, Rayment C, Jacob F, Wale J, Short J, Johnson J, Georgiade K, Brown M, Seaton N, Mollart S, Gillon S, Bracher M. (2022) The potential for eye donation from hospice and palliative care clinical settings in England: a retrospective case note review of deceased patients' records. Cell Tissue Bank .

Bracher, M., Segwagwe, MC., Winstanley, E., Gillan, H., Long-Sutehall, T. (2021) Family Refusal of eye tissue donation from solid organ donors – a retrospective analysis of summary and free-text data from the UK National Health Service Blood and Transplant Services (NHS-BT) National Referral Centre (1st April 2014 – 31st March 2017). BMJ Open doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-04525

Coombs, M., Darlington, AS., Pattison, N., Long-Sutehall, T., & Richardson, A. (2015) Transferring patient’s home to die: what is the potential population in UK critical care units? BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care. Dec. DOI: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2014-000834. [Epub ahead of print]

Major grants:

  • NIHR HSDR: Eye Donation from Specialist Palliative Care and Hospice Care setting: Potential, Practice, Perceptions, Preferences (36 months)

  • NIHR Careers award scheme: Barriers to tissue donation: what cognitive and emotional associations do bereaved family members bring to the multi tissue and corneal request interview? (36 months)

Impact examples:

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